Virtual enviroments

Virtual enviroments for real sales

Celer is the solution to the biggest challenges in property sales: generating leads, guaranteeing exclusivity and increasing sales.

We have a team of architects and designers who transform images of empty properties into virtual decorated ones to guarantee your client’s attention at first glance.

Celer increases by more than 50% lead generation

And doubles the speed of sales



Speed up visits and closings by showing the client the real potential of the properties.


Differentiate yourself in the market with a unique solution truly capable of guaranteeing exclusivity with the owner.


Strengthen marketing strategies and guarantee a positive return on investment.

People are visual

90% of people are visual

Celer meets the profile of today’s consumer: driven by emotions, immediacy and whose interests are captured by images.


Antes Depois

Before and after


From R$ 89 / image

  • Project created and developed by architects and designers
  • For those who appreciate every detail
  • Within 4 business days

View plans

Antes Depois

Before and after


From R$ 39 / image

  • Technology combined with architect curation
  • Within 2 business days

View plans

Antes Depois

Before and after

Express Monthly plan

From R$ 29,90 / image (15 images per month)

  • Technology combined with architect curation
  • Within 2 business days
  • Individual price upon request

View plans

Real feedback, real results

Guilherme Nogueira

Managing partner BH Brokers and Real Estate Broker

Guilherme Nogueira

Celer is part of our strategy to accelerate sales at BH Brokers. An empty environment does not reflect the value of the property and that is where Celer comes in, making our work easier and helping the client realize the potential of the environments. This generates clicks, more visits, and therefore increases the chances of closing!

Rodrigo Werneck

CEO and Chief Strategist at CUPOLA

Rodrigo Werneck

Celer represents a huge gain in the efficiency of real estate agencies and brokers in the sales process. It makes possible, through technology, more seductive and salesy images. This greatly improves the inefficiency of investment in marketing by real estate agencies and partners.

Paloma Harrington

Global Director IAHSP®️ (International Association of Home Staging Professionals)

Paloma Harrington

Home Staging is an essential real estate marketing tool in Europe and the United States. CELER is a perfect example of how Staging brings owners greater sales possibilities, faster negotiations and higher offers.

Guilherme Blumer

Co-founder CredAluga

Guilherme Blumer

Celer is a valuable partner for real estate agencies in Brazil, raising consumer attention by transforming photos and providing future perspectives for properties. Its unique approach results in improved conversion rates, making it a strategic ally in the battle for digital attention.

Elisa Rosenthal

President Director of the Instituto Mulheres do Imobiliário

Elisa Rosenthal

Celer, part of the Squad Realty group, boosts the real estate market through technology, boosting sales and highlighting the female presence on its team. With virtual environments, it encourages fast sales and personalization of service, providing unique experiences to customers.

Tiago Oliveira


Tiago Oliveira

Celer is the ideal solution so that we, brokers, can offer our clients an immersive and visually impactful experience since the first way our clients come into contact with the properties on offer is through an image, and as the popular saying goes “the first impression is the last impression”.

Sergio Langer

Host of Vem pra mesa Podcast and Founder of Missão Alto Padrão

Sergio Langer

CELER’s solution offers a realistic and detailed representation that makes it easier for buyers to visualize, streamlining the decision process and contributing to an effective increase in sales.

Daniel Claudino

Writer, speaker and real estate market analyst

Daniel Claudino

When I found out about Celer, I thought it was just another company in the real estate business. It is not! This company enchanted me in everything: technology, excellence and agility in delivery. From the customers I referred, satisfaction with Celer was complete. But the best thing about this company is the vibe and energy of the people who work there.

Ariane Palaoro

Broker and partner at Moni Imóveis

Ariane Palaoro

CELER is an innovative company, in which I am pleased to be a partner and to have it as a differentiator at MONIIMOVEIS. It brings added value and a plus to our publicity through real estate portals and social networks. After all, the sale starts with the photos.

Any questions? We are here to help! :D

How can we help you?

What is Celer?

Celer is virtual decoration made from a simple photo of the environment to speed up sales.

How it works?

You send photos of the empty spaces through the portal, and our team will return the decorated photos to you, ready to be advertised.

How many environments should I send?

The suggestion is at least 3 rooms per property, most often the master bedroom, living room and kitchen. Environments such as swimming pool, balcony and gourmet area are differences that should be explored.

Who chooses the furniture?

The furniture is chosen by our team of architects, according to each project. You can choose from the decoration styles available on the portal.

Do I need to send room measurements?

No, but if you have the plan, you can attach it to the specific field on the website.

How can I contact you?

You can get in touch through our communication channels:



Instagram: @celerporsquad

Whatsapp: (31) 97135-4449

In how many days will I receive my project?

Celer Express: Within 2 business days.

Celer Premium: Within 4 business days.

Video: Upon request.

Can I take more than 1 angle of the same environment?

Yes, but in this case, additional images will be counted.

Can I create integrated environments?

Yes, as long as they are in the same image.

Do I need to use a professional photo?

No need, we have a tutorial that can help you with the angles.

In what format do I need to send the photo?


How long can I use the images?

The image is subject to indefinite use by the contracting entity.

What payment options are available?

Credit cards.

Contact us